Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Welcome to 2019

This is my 1st post of the New Year. It's 12:30 on a Saturday night. Well now I guess it's Sunday morning. But at what time does Saturday night really turn into Sunday morning? Technically I guess it would be midnight, but I really don't know if that's the case. Maybe about 2 or 3:00 a.m. depending on your lifestyle.

I really hope and pray for my mother that she makes a decision on where she wants to go. I really want her to leave Chicago and find a place where she will be happy. She has so many opportunities and options in front of her and she just needs to start putting one foot in front of the other. She has two pensions, she has social security, she has tour season coming up, but still, she's alone. And as spontaneous as she is, it amazes me how much she is procrastinating making a decision. It's one of those things where if she puts it off, I know she's going to regret it come that next cold Chicago Winter. But here I sit 1500 miles away, and I can't do this for her, all I could do is talk to her. She has been through so much crap in her life, I want her to be happy so badly.  But I can't do any of this for her.

By the way, to everybody who brought a ticket for the NXT Durham, North Carolina show today, go screw yourselves, because I really wanted to go.

I started using the Every Dollar app in October to keep track of the money that I was spending. I admit I can be insecure about money. After what it has done to both of my parents, how could it not. I promised myself years ago that I would be as responsible as I could be, even though the idea of spending frivolously and being broke terrifies me and there are a lot of things about it that I don't know.  I don't know about investing, retirement plans, and all of that. About the only thing I do know is live within means.

But all of a sudden, I feel like I have a good feel for what I am spending money on and where I can save money. I am a saver by nature and having the app and having a budget in front of my face is reinforcing that for me. But what's really exciting is I feel like I can really get aggressive repaying my student loan off. I really am realizing that interest takes a toll. The sooner I pay it off, the better. Even though I was ahead on paying the 10 year loan, I want to get even more aggressive. My goal was to pay it off by the time I reached 40 years old, which would have been 6 years. Now, that is not good enough for me. I want to pay it off with in five years of my graduation, when I would turn 39.  That's probably going to take about $400 a month for the next 13 months. I made the 1st $400 payment on New Year's Day. Let's see what happens.

I'm 37 years old, and one of the servers at work, was convinced that I was probably 24 or 25 years old. Somehow I keep fooling them, I don't know how, I know it's not genetics!

I still wonder if there's a better brewery in Virginia than Starr Hill and Blue Mountain up near Charlottesville. There's nothing in Hampton Roads that can come really that close to both of them. There are a few places around here still to try, but that mountain experience is just special.

I signed back up for DDP yoga after 2 years away. I'm actually at 166 pounds, the least that I have weighed in maybe 10 years. But I feel like I need a little more flexibility and maybe it would help heal my left shoulder and my right hip, both of which have a little pain. As much running as I'm doing now, I want to keep myself loose and flexible. And I think this will be a wise investment. Plus, now that I have a smart TV, I can sync the app on my phone up to the TV. Oh and I can see my heart rate with the Bluetooth monitor. So now, I will know exactly how hard I am working and if I need to dial it back or push myself a little harder.

Now I need to vent on a different topic for a second. I guess this is what compelled me to write so late at night. And this is going to be under the influence of Jack Daniels and lemonade/tea. That girl I was talking to in December to mention she was casually starting to see somebody. It turns out she got engaged the day before New Year's Eve. So she went from starting to see a guy, according to her, to getting engaged within one month of making that statement to me. What a lying piece of trash she turned out to be.

That might sound harsh, actually I know it is harsh, but I just have no patience for dishonesty. My patience has absolutely run out for love.

Say goodbye to love. No one ever cared if I should live or die. Time and time again, the chance for love has passed me by and all I know of love is how to live without it. I just can't seem to find it. Thank you, Karen Carpenter. You were a visionary.

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