Thursday, June 13, 2019

Midweek thoughts

1. There are only really two bad things about getting a tan. One, the risk of sunburn. Two, the gray hairs on my chest become much easier to spot.

2. Richard Jeni was right. Every city has one station on the radio simply designed to make lonely people kill themselves. Nothing but love songs.

3. The Mets are absolutely despicable. Distinctly mediocre at best. I am relieved I have tickets for only one more game this season. And this is just another reason why it's smart for me to work Friday and Saturday night. What else would I be doing? I'd be following these crappy games, and following these dummies on social media who are also following these games.

4. Mom's moving to Cary NC in July. I'm just glad she's getting out of Chicago.

5. I have made my final student loan payment of $612. Over $11,000 paid in just under 4 years, $6,400 was in the last nine months alone. I am officially... debt...freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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