Saturday, September 21, 2019

Wake Me Up

I think every single September, I have a post with this title. It's such a memorable reference, even though I've never been a Green Day fan.

1) Well my old boss got hired to become my new boss. I'm glad the company made the hire; I would have felt a little less secure about my future in the company had they promoted the senior advisor to the director's role.

2) I'm learning some Southern slang, or at least Virginia slang. Phrases like:
"That's what's up"
"Son of a biscuit eater"
"I know dassright"

On the other hand,  maybe it's just hood slang. Most white people down here act black when they get agitated anyway, so I guess I'd just be fitting in...

3) I'm halfway through watching the 8-part Ken Burns documentary on the country music. It is so informative and interesting, I just wish it could go longer and finish at the turn of the century instead of 1995 or 6.

4) Kayla on Worst Cooks In America may be a ditz, but she is the cutest thing ever.

5) It is still incomprehensible to me that Sam Darnold has mono. After starting 0-2, the Jets have 4 games that are practically impossible to win. Their season ended after two weeks, even before the Mets. Then again, at least the Giants were done too.

Post note: I usually stop after five notes,  but I'll add one more. My goal for the last 3 months of 2019 is to find a church home where I can experience community, serve actively, and be challenged spiritually.

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