Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weary in the middle

This was one of those lunches I desperately wish I could do over again. Six wasted dollars. An Italian beef sandwich with mozzarella and hot peppers from the deli at work. The thinly sliced beef tasted very grainy, no juice or gravy to speak of. And I like the taste of hot giardinera as much as anyone, but these peppers were so hot, that I can still feel the flame filling up my stomach.

So it is now Friday night, around 10 pm and I had a great blackened salmon for dinner. I mention that because Mom brought this buffalo mac and cheese to go with it. I don't know, despite what Dave Delp told me about how good that dish is, I would not get it again. It was just so hot, like just plain hot cheddar cheese. Although some chicken might help it. On that note, I'm now gorging on pretzels and peanut butter. My favorite crave junk food combo going back to high school. Maybe not the best idea, considering I have to wake up on Saturday morning at 5:30 to do the Ride For Refugees. I hear I'll be an intersection coordinator. I'm not really sure what to expect, but I am looking forward to it.

Then in the afternoon, comes my first bachelor party ever. And I think this is the first time I have played Whirlyball in five years. That was with Wheaton Bible Church. I remember Geddes being there. And it was my one date with Taylor. She was kinda cool, but I guess dating someone from work brings on a lot of unnecessary complications. I know she started dating someone else within a month of that day. And with my history, she probably married the boy. But that's all well and good.

I have one week until I leave for Jasper County, Kentucky and I can't believe how fast this is approaching. I'm not too nervous, I am excited, I guess it doesn't seem like it is approaching so soon. Maybe I should start some packing this weekend. Meanwhile, I am watching Coal Miner's Daughter...

I feel pretty good about the New York Jets after three games. I'm pretty sure they will beat Buffalo on Sunday as long as they don't turn the ball over or take penalties. Play a solid fundamental game, and that should really be enough to win a third straight division game.

Omar, Jerry, goodbye. Don't let the door hit you in your rear ends on the way out.

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