Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stuff I've been doing

I have a little time to kill before I get going to LaSalle Network for an interview this afternoon. So what's going down.

1) Made amazing pork chops on Tuesday and I have included the recipe in my previous post.

2) Just finished reading Terry Francona and Dan Shaughnessy's book abut the Boston Red Sox years from 2004-2011. Definitely recommended. Shaughnessy is an excellent sportswriter and in his book, the reader gets a very clear picture of the mindset of Terry Francona not only as he manages during baseball game, but also the physical pain he dealt with, the personalities of the players and staff he had to handle, etc. Definitely would recommend this book.

3) Watched the first two Godfather movies. Tremendous character development, very well shot, classic quotes. They're ranked among the best films ever for a reason. They deserve it.

4) Ran 3.1 miles yesterday at 6.7 and 7.1 mph. I'm training for the 5k on April 20 and it's going to be tough to make my goal, but I'm going to keep training and trying to get faster and better every week.

5) Purchased classic sermons by Donald Miller (Let Story Guide You) and John Ortberg (A Leader of Unimaginable Influence) at Willow Creek this past weekend. Can't wait to listen to them.

This week can't end soon enough. I'm so ready for Easter weekend and my travel next week.

Song pick: "Dirty Angel" Voodoo Johnson

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