Monday, January 19, 2015

Not a good idea

I've had quite a few jobs now in my life, some full-time, some part time. Some I was good at, some I wasn't so good at. Some paid okay, some paid peanuts. And in the 15 years I've been working on some level, I've learned a few things. One of them is do not embarrass your employees publicly. And that just happened to me.

Basically, at this insurance job, the week runs from Thursday at 2 p.m. to the next Thursday at 1:59 p.m. Then, we get a check the following Monday...if we make any money, that is. So I've had no sales in the first four days. Today, we have our team meeting from 12-1. Our boss gives us one of his rah-rah, fire you up speeches where he talked about the opportunity that's out there. There's all this money to make, there are this people to see, this is what you're capable of achieving, start setting goals. All the typical BS. He gets through that and then two managers step up to the podium. They go through the halftime list. Now I've been at this company five weeks and I've never heard of this. They proceed to publicly call out every agent who has not made a sale in the last four days. They then ask them what is the reason and what our goal is. I knew I was getting called out. I haven't made a sale yet in the three weeks I've been doing presentations. Most of it is pathetic leads. But some of these pricks who started after me are making money and I'd be lying if I said it didn't burn me up. I'm hurting enough already inside. I don't need to be publicly embarrassed in front of 30 of my peers. I said my ALP goal was $1300 by Thursday. That would translate to me making about $310 for the week. The truth? All I want is to get a $600 check and get out of here. In other words, I just want to make enough to pay off my laptop, business cards, temp license, and gas money. I would be satisfied with just breaking even and getting the hell out of here. Because through five weeks, this job has cost me a whole lot more than it's given me. Hopefully, it'll work out, but right now, it's getting worse and worse.

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