Friday, November 18, 2016

Costa Rica, part 5

One of the most impressive factors of this hotel is the gym. They have almost 10 cardio machines, six Nautilus machines, three free weight stations, and a variety of sizes of medicine balls and kettlebells. I hit the elliptical for about 25 minutes and did some weights for the next half hour, before heading back to the room. We really weren't that excited about spending $15 for even a continental breakfast, so I had a tropical carrot juice from the gift shop, and half of a protein bar, which I had brought with me from back home.

For the first time since I have been in Costa Rica, the sun was actually out, so I knew I was going to spend a couple of hours in the sun and trying to get a little bit of color. For the most part, I was listening to more Jeremy Roenick hockey podcasts although I did take a couple of dips in the water. They have an infinity pool which leads to the small white rocky beach and then to the Pacific Ocean. From just the right angle, it looks like the pool leads directly into the ocean.

I enjoyed a great grilled shrimp sandwich for lunch, although I wish I could have done without the french fries. Even though the drinks are very expensive, as it's just about everything at this hotel, I give them credit that's your sizes of the drinks are really large. I spent $12 for a Mojito and it must have been a good 16 ounces. And there's just something about the flavors of fresh mint and fresh lime on a hot day. It is just so refreshing and invigorating.

After about four hours total in the sun, I figured that was enough for a while. I headed to another shaded hammock to relax before taking a shower. Then it was time to head into town. Mom had mentioned that she wanted to go to a beach in the morning to watch the sun rise. To scout the area, we decided to drive to Playa Negra, which was only about 12 miles away from the hotel. One thing we have learned is if you need to drive more than 15 minutes anywhere, you're probably driving on some brutal, muddy, bumpy roads. And for the third time, we did that again. Eight kilometers total. We did get to a decent beach, but it was by no means memorable or picturesque. So...back across the same lousy roads.

We eventually got to Tamarindo around four p.m. It seems like the inital goal was how many stores, hotels, bars, and restaurants can we cram into this little place. There's barely any room to sit or walk on the town built around this two lane road. There's one other decent road that sticks off that road so the town is shaped around a letter T. Anyway, we went to a pizza place. We had a fine margherita pizza, but the service was brutal. They never offered us a drink refill, they never asked how our food was, and it took twenty minutes to get our check after we had initially asked. It's a good thing I can't rip them on Yelp, because they'd be lucky to get two stars.

Mom took off, leaving me to fend for myself. I wasn't heading back to the hotel yet. It was World Cup qualifying night. USA at Costa Rica. Sadly, San Jose is nowhere near where I was in the northwestern section of the country. With a couple of hours to kill, I walked away from the main town and sat at a beach front bar. By now it was almost completely dark. I have to say I felt a strange mixture of gratitude and isolation. I was happy to take this trip, but wish I was with friends or a loved one.

My spirits did perk up when a mariachi band played Hotel California. One has not lived till they've heard that Don Felder-penned guitar solo being played on two trumpets. I made my way to Sharky's by 6, which was two hours before game time. Already the place was filled and I knew I was not going to get four seats. I watched the end of Chile vs Uruguay and right before the start of the big game, Joel cane in. He was with his neighbor and some other friends from Wisconsin. We all went to a local BBQ joint down the street, which is owned by an American who married a local. I didn't eat, I just had a real Coke with lime and a glass of water. I knew I had a cab ride coming and figured I'd better save the money.

We waited for the USA to start. In fact, they never got started. I guess this was the Ticos payback from when we kicked their ass in Chicago this past summer. This time, it was their turn to win 4-0. Jurgen Klinsmann needs to be fired today. He shouldn't even be allowed on the plane back to the States. Anyway, I caught my cab and it cost thirty dollars and left the guy a ten dollar tip. I don't know if I got ripped off, but hey, the driver is counting his dollars more carefully than I am. Thankfully I can watch the Rangers game in Vancouver and they're up three as I type.

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