Saturday, March 30, 2019

Group is over

So after almost two years, my Bible study group is over. The only thing I won't miss is the commuting through the tunnel back and forth during rush hour. But I will miss the camaraderie and the community. So I want to take a moment and mention the memorable people from the group and drop a few thoughts.

The Regulars
David-our leader. Our interests are pretty different, as he's really into government and politics. I don't know what kind of friendship we'll have going forward, likely more of a casual deal. But we'll see.
Corinne-David's wife, great host, the orange Christmas tree, and that classic snort.
Elizabeth-She just is so monotone. She was kind of pretty, but I don't know how she has friends because it's so hard to get her to open up. Great figure, in shape, avid runner. Allergic to sesame and soy. I don't plan on seeing her again.
Nick-Very much a math guy. Great maker of pumpkin pie. Two kids, likely soon to be three. Annoyed by his mother in law.
Allison-She and Nick seem to have a solid marriage. Very sincere person, always seemed to have a way to say something relevant and intelligent in group discussions. 
Andrew-I like the guy. Outdoors guy, very funny. It hurts to see him go through a divorce. I've extended the olive branch to him, but I guess he's sorting his life out.
Martha-Love her. She's a little geeky, but she's a cute one. The pierced septum and ink aren't exactly turn ons. But besides that, she kept the conversations going. She was never afraid to speak her mind, I can't say that about a lot of people in the group. That said, she's moving to Denver for a new job in May. Her leaving is really a blow.
Jacob-The actor with the weird socks. He couldn't attend all the time, but he was very funny, I don't remember him adding much to the spiritual discussions.
Trevor-The hunter. He definitely made the best snacks out of anybody in the group. I had tacos with so many random game meats and house-made salsa, oh, that I wish I could replicate them. He could be outspoken to the point where it started to get uncomfortable, but at least he would usually be able to restrain himself. But he never wanted to be in Virginia, he wanted to be out west in the wilderness, that's where he is now and I'm sure he's happy.
Aaron-Never opened up. Was just there because Maggie made him go. I don't think he ever cared to be friends with any of us. He was friendly, but he didn't care about engaging with us. During guy time, he may as well have not ever been there, he was a mute.
Maggie-Aaron's girlfriend. She didn't have a whole lot more to say than Aaron did, but at least she would be friendly and offer a nice smile.

The Occasionals
Amanda-What do I even say. When she first joined the group early on, she was engaged. The engagement broke up and we never saw the guy again. She kept coming and I admit I gained interest in asking her out. We thought we would go hiking, but eventually she started ghosting me as women in Virginia tend to do. I've since unfollowed her on social media as I have no desire to have a friendship where I'm the only one who actually gives a s***.
Robert-He probably came to group about ten times, and in those ten times, he said a total of nine words.
Carter and Logan-A married couple who came about four times towards the end. Never really got to know them.
Josh and Courtney-Another married couple, who attended maybe about eight times. But they always seemed to bring their kids. There was really no role for them in the group. They didn't have much to say. The one thing I can say about Courtney, she had great curly red hair.
Starr-A 19 year old who came once and I don't think that she expected us to be drinking, considering she came on a game night.

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