Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summer drifting by

1) So this is my birthday week. It's #38, and thankfully I still can convince people that I'm in my 20s. I don't have any specific plans for that day, well, besides blood and work. But the Jim Gaffigan show will be the next night in Norfolk, so it's something to look forward to.

2) Wow, I have a coffee date on Tuesday with a cop. She offered to give me her number before I even asked for it. It's pretty amazing how it happens so easily with some, while some others make it impossible to have a conversation or to ever get together.

3) I baked blueberry lemon pecan bread this past week. Really thought about taking it into work, but I think I'm just gonna hold onto this one for myself, freeze it, and give a little bit away at a time when the moment is right.

4)  It's so weird that I brought a grapefruit for the 1st time in 2 years today. I've always liked them, but I've never had the craving for one. Then again I don't know too many people who wake up and crave grapefruits,  I think pretty much anybody who eats grapefruits regularly is doing it because they will feel healthier about themselves.

5)  I try to convince myself I can have the air conditioner off in the summer time, until it is time to go to sleep in my bedroom which does not have a ceiling fan. And then going to sleep takes me about 30 minutes of tossing and turning.

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