Thursday, June 11, 2020

6 Weeks Off

1) I was speaking with someone online recently and we got into a conversation about blogs and I'm really starting to wonder if it's that people just don't do it much anymore or that people still do it but don't talk about it. But it seems like blogging is now a passing fad of the 2000s like MySpace, LiveStrong bracelets, and pop punk. 

2)  It feels so good to finally have my gym open again. I just could not take running outside in the heat anymore. I got my 5 miles in and it wasn't easy to do it, but I did it at my 7.5 pace which is usually my baseline and I added on a little bit of incline as well. 

Who knows when my next race will be. I had visions of competing a half marathon this year. I don't know if there will even be one for me to run. But at least I can train for whatever might come. 

I have my new On shoes, the first pair of these that I've purchased that are meant for running.  The 1st that pair that I bought were down in Florida and I know now that they were meant for more of a daily use. But I have a good feeling that these will last a long time and they will support my feet well.

3) EA and I are actually speaking regularly. I've known this girl for maybe 7 or 8 years and I've always had feelings, but it was never a close friendship, more of a friendly acquaintance situation. Before, we spoke every couple of months maybe. And when one of us was dating, it certainly wasn't happening. But it seems like we're messaging nearly every day, usually about Corona. 

The fact that she actually sent me a picture from yesterday when she was getting her hair done, I honestly think that puts me on a higher level. I mean, how many women would send a picture of that to a guy who's les than a good friend?

I don't expect a relationship, but I never did even when we lived in close proximity or would see each other on the train going to or from Chicago during the morning commute. 1500 miles of separation isn't helping. It's like if I think about it a lot, I'm just setting myself up.

4)  I'm continuing to do a lot of cooking. Skillet rosemary roasted chicken with potatoes and mushrooms is one of my new go to recipes. Fresh lemon juice and fresh herbs absolutely make this recipe a winner. 

5) Next travel destinations: Savannah GA and Hilton Head SC. Three weeks away. 

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