Monday, April 27, 2020

I Could Be Holding You Tonight

I could quit doing wrong and start doing right. 
You don't care about what I think. 
Think I'll just stay here and drink. 

I wish LAMC hadn't even texted me the news. I would have rather found out from one of those Facebook relationship status updates because it would have given me something else to be angry about. It's as if I'm looking for something to be pissed off about with her. And I am pissed off because I know it's the end of a friendship. Because there is no going back to what there could have been. I will always be on the shelf, I will never be accepted in the way that she accepts another man. And that just isn't acceptable right now. Not when I wanted to pursue her. 

So I'm here in my apartment mixing sweet tea vodka, lemonade, and dashed hopes. And Mighty meaty pizza from Mellow Mushroom. Pepperoni, sausage, bacon, ground beef and I added garlic. A little extra crushed red pepper because why the f not. A great tonic for the heartache she gave me today. 

Thank you for helping me with this one,  mom. Only question is am I sad enough to eat the whole thing...

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