Sunday, April 12, 2020


So that was Easter. It has come and gone, I swear it gets smaller and smaller in society every year and it's up to us who know and worship Jesus Christ to remember it, observe it, and make it known.

But with Corona going on and not be able to attend church, it feels a little more distant and difficult. But shouldn't we be thankful that we have streaming ability and maybe it makes us need to invest a little bit more since we are in our homes and not in a cathedral or a chapel?

And after reading the book "Heaven Is for Real", somehow my spiritual life feels more vivid, like it makes more sense and that it is more real. My decision to trust Jesus Christ for my eternal salvation is a wise one and with these visions of heaven from the book, it just feels more real and more affirmed.

And for mom, Christ the Lord is risen today. A-a-a-a-aleluia

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