Thursday, October 22, 2020

Over One Month

Life has been so hectic and I feel so uninspired to write at times. Then again, I have no audience, so I'm sure nobody feels deprived. Let's do 10 quick hits. 

1) YouTube has old Yan Can Cook shows up from a San Francisco TV station. I think this is the show that got me into cooking more than any other when I was a kid. It didn't matter that I never cooked any of the recipes from that show. It was the energy and fun from that show that showed me cooking could be an art. When Martin Yan smiles, I smile. When he tells a dad joke, I laugh. Can't help it. 

2) I met such a great girl while horseback riding. Yet I am terrified to ask her out. She just seems so busy with school. Probably the girl who's not looking for a guy... until the right one comes along. And I'm no great girl's fantasy. 

3) The Jets. The Jets. The Jets. They are not getting any better. Not now, not tomorrow, maybe not ever. 

4) Every time I want to spend money, but I refrain, there is an internal victory in me that I have discipline. And usually, it's on food.

5) I completed a 4 week dumbbell workout, where I focused on certain body parts each day. Typically, I would do a little bit of everything. But man, with these workouts, I would feel the burn in my chest and legs for 2 or 3 days afterwards. I'd like to maintain this workout  but I think it would be tough once I start seriously running again. But what is the human body truly capable of enduring?

6) I have this fascination with visiting Annapolis, MD. I think I could spend 3 days there easily. But I would like for the Naval Academy and Maryland State House to open back up already...

7) I made something of a pact with God that if my biggest pains in my life was related to women that would be alright. Just as long as I could make a fair living, save some money, travel a little. I wonder if that was fair. Because I don't even need to be in a relationship for a woman to break my heart. Maybe my independence is my God. Doesn't seem like the most stable foundation, does it?

8) I miss being in a church where I feel I'm part of the community. Where the pastor teaches me, entertains me, and challenges me. Where the people take me in and actually have time. Where the music isn't loud overproducted and ovesung rock and roll. Where I have opportunities to serve in unique and creative ways. I hope God has that for me. 

9) If Donald Trump isn't reelected, I'm truly terrified of where the United States will be headed. The more I live, the more I realize the people who are truly hateful, intolerant, and dangerous are the extreme left. And to see my mother on the left now just because he mentioned the word pussy... I'm ashamed of her. 

10) 36 hours until Florida. I'm dying for a break from the daily stress that I live with. I have not taken voluntary time off from work since maybe February. I've freaking earned it. 

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