Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Why Are Some Women So Vile

So I have been in a Dave Ramsey singles group for a couple of years now, but I've never really engaged myself and tried to interact. About three weeks ago, I saw a humorous post about parking rituals, so I decided to join in.

Before long, I started noticing a blonde lady from central Ohio, whose name I will not mention, but SF are her initials. And we began messaging that night. Messages turned into voice memos; voice memos turned into her giving me her phone number. 

The connection was immediate, she was a working nurse, I work at a medical college. Faith, money values, love of travel, enjoying great meals, extroverted personalities. Only two issues. She has two kids, 10 and 11, and she's 3 states away. I felt the odds were long, but I wanted to get to know her slowly and see if it was something to explore deeper.

The conversations never got sexual, but they could get flirtatious. We both wanted to take the getting to know you route. I asked her if I asked her out, what would she say, and she said yes. It hurt, because I wanted to have a fair chance. 

She even had a trip set for Mexico with her ex-boyfriend and the group was going to host a contest to see who would go with her. And the contest included this ridiculous questionnaire. There were questions from opinions on crocs to what your ex would say about you to favorite song to dance to. I was thinking to myself she should also be required ot answer the same questions and I will decide if she's a match for me! 

We spoke on the phone Sunday night for over an hour as she was on her way from Charleston SC to Ohio. No awkwardness, it was rather enjoyable. And then Monday afternoon, she messaged me that she doesn't have it in her to do distance again, she likes how we get along, but she wanted to be clear.

I said "Ok." I didn't want to get emotional or anything, so I kept it simple.

Later that night, I went through Facebook and I got to the People You May Know section. There was an attractive blonde I had seen a few times so I requested her, she happened to be a mutual friend. 

Then Wednesday afternoon came. Around 4:30, SF messaged me. I didn't have a chance to read every word. Because within 15 seconds of her sending it, she blocked me. But she accused me of going through her friend list and trying to add all her friends like I was a stalker. She called me not mature enough to handle the truth...and that was about all I was able to see. She did not ask what I was doing. Rather, she accused me, insulted me and reamed me. I immediately blocked her back.

I went right to the group admins and explained what happened. This guy asked me if I had been hacked. I realized what was going on. They were taking her side, probably because she is female, cute, perky, and outgoing. They wanted to know why I sent the friend request, like I had some ulterior motive. 

Although I tried retrieving her vile message to me, I couldn't. And she obviously wouldn't submit what she said to me over to the admins. So hopefully this is the end of it. I don't want to think about her, I just want to move on.

This will not break my heart. But it just breaks my faith even more that there are good women left in the world. I'm no pride advocate by any stretch, but after dealing with so much shit like this, I can almost almost almost understand why some men decide to try the gay route. 

I didn't deserve to be treated that way. Bottom line.

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