Thursday, November 22, 2007

50 things I'm thankful for

Thanksgiving begins in 33 minutes. And for the most part, I live a pretty fast-paced life. So I just got home from work (I worked 14 hours today if you include commuting times) and now I'm in the basement with some Ranchero chips, Frontera salsa, coke and lime, and watching an old Knicks-Pistons game from 1984. I know, and sometimes I even raise an eyebrow at myself. But I thought I would take some time to reflect and list 50 random things I appreciate. Fifty just seemed like a good number.

1) 15 years with Hogan
2) A small, but loving family
3) Traveled to over 40 states
4) Heat in the house
5) The house I live in
6) Electric blanket for a freezing cold bedroom
7) Board games with friends
8) Mike and Judy are my neighbors
9) Two jobs
10) Free gym membership
11) Full use of my body
12) Chipotle, just not the one in St. Charles, it's bad
13) A clothes closet where the racks didn't collapse this year
14) Second, third, and fourth chances
15) The daily opportunities to make part of the world better
16) Finally discovering Mike and Mike in the morning
17) The Get Smart box set
18) "Long Road Out of Eden"
19) That I'm not in New England to deal with the Red Sox and Patriots fans
20) Seeing a Jets game live for the first time in 15 years
21) My Friday night small group in Winfield, 18 good months
22) The book of James
23) Rob Rienow's messages
24) Earl Thomas Conley music
25) Mindy Smith music
26) Marshall Tucker Band music
27) Chad Pennington's heart and toughness
28) The Mets' ninth inning comeback over the Cubs
29) Mom
30) My paternal grandparents, both of whom passed this year
31) The sliced BBQ pork and sub-zero banana cream pie at Bobby Q's
32) Watching the Nathan's hot dog eating contest and getting a little bit too much into it
33) Bison burgers
34) The high octane burger at the Filling Station
35) The 2 pound burger at the Urban Grill and Sam Houston's. I will finish one of them!
36) Carole's oatmeal raisin pecan cookies (After the last 3, I felt I should put a dessert here)
37) I can still laugh at Urkel
38) That I'm still managing to survive without anMP3 player or Ipod.
39) Ring of Honor, for fun, exhilaration, and entertainment
40) Bryan Danielson, for being the best wrestler in the world
41) Geds, for a good long friendship, that hopefully will continue
42) The two "professional Christians" of CT for their support, understanding, and patience
43) CT, for a place to belong
44) That I don't have to determine my self-worth by comparing myself to other people
45) Hearing Donald Miller speak at Willow Creek
46) John Ortberg's books
47) Meeting John Ortberg
48) Learning what I want is not always what's best for me
49) A very Brave friend...
50) The reality of Christ

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