Friday, May 29, 2015

Tired of the disrespect

So I've been working at Gino's East since early February, so it's been almost four months now. I gave them five days a week for seven weeks, before needing to cut back to 3-4 days a week when I started at COD. So typically, I was working Thursday and Friday night, followed by Saturday and Sunday mornings. I didn't mind working an occasional Sunday morning, but I didn't realize they were going to give me every single Sunday shift. So I have not been able to go to church or go to my small group in around three months. That's tough on my social life and tougher on my soul.

Now it was about two weeks ago when they posted the upcoming schedule. The way these geniuses do it is they post the next week's schedule on Sunday morning. So you have one day's notice if you're working Monday. It's terrible. So I noticed that I was given Thursday and Friday night off, but was still working the Saturday and Sunday shifts. I was confused, but decided to not say anything. We have some new servers and if they're trying to get them on the floor, I get it. So then that week passes by and I get the next schedule and it's the same thing. I was the only server not working Friday night who did not request it off. So I was past being mad at this point.

When I asked the GM, who makes these schedules, about the schedules, she said I do better in the daytime so this would work best for me. She apparently thinks I get too intense when I'm rushed. And apparently some servers think I've yelled at them when I believe I'm just raising my voice in the kitchen so they can hear me. I said if someone had an issue with me, then they should have talked to me about it. How am I supposed to solve a problem if I don't know that one exists? She said it wasn't about anyone having an issue with me, it's that they were concerned about me. At that point, I knew that it was me against the restaurant. If you are concerned with someone, you talk to them directly and respectfully, you don't backbite and gossip. As a result, I've lost all of my night shifts and I don't know if this is temporary or permanent.  Even worse, they didn't even have the balls to tell me until I confronted them about it myself.

Also, I mentioned the 11 hour shift I worked the previous Saturday when I stayed late, took a party of 18, and it went perfectly. the bill was $200 and I made a $70 tip. The GM said she wasn't there, so she doesn't know. So this person works with me one day maybe every two weeks and apparently what I do when she's not around is irrelevant.

I show up on time, I'm reliable, I bust my ass, I'm polite, I'm courteous, and my customers like me. But apparently, I'm not their type. Maybe if I went out during a shift to smoke a disgusting cigarette, I'd be more accepted.

The bottom line is this. I'm going to a 4-day work week at COD for June and July. So I have an extra day shift to work with. I'm sure they'll schedule me Friday through Sunday in the morning for the next two months. After that's over, I don't want to work Sundays anymore. Between church, small group, and football, I'm tired of it. And for heaven's sake, I think I deserve a day off during the week. So if they're only going to give me Saturday afternoon shifts, when I'm not going to make tons of money, why the hell would I want to still stay there? What I would ideally like is to work two weeknights and a Saturday every week. If they will not accommodate that, then I'm going to quit. And the truth is as soon as COD promotes me to full time, I'm probably going to just quit anyway. It might be hoping for a lot, but I hope it happens by August.

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