Friday, June 15, 2018


How do we define good and bad? Is it something that people can define, does God have say over it, does it even matter if we do good or if we do bad? I personally believe that relative morals and relative truth lead to absolute disaster, because then somebody can create their own system based on destruction.

To me, this society has lowered the standard of the word "good." I think we have lowered it to mean not just something that stands out, not  just something that is truly praiseworthy. But instead now, good just means the absence of bad behavior. Personally, I am not content to simply avoid bad behavior. I want to do things and say things that make positive impacts in people's lives and on this sorry, broken world.  And yet the more I see how people conduct themselves and how they react to adversity and opposition, the more concerned I get.

I really want to believe that people are good, but it's getting tough to have faith in a lot of them. I believe most people are out for themselves and are only truly good when it's convenient for them to do so.

Lord have mercy on us all.

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