Saturday, July 17, 2021

Standing By

As I sit uncomfortably in a hard gray chair by a charging station in the Philadelphia International Airport, I am actually disgusted as I look around. The fact that we have to wear masks regardless of our vaccination status is oppressive, it's senseless, it's illusionary. 

I'm expecting to get bumped at least one time, maybe two. But flying from Charlotte to Pittsburgh would've been darn near impossible. Bigger planes are needed, more flights are needed. Come on American Airlines, open up!

Oh and I had a full tube of toothpaste get confiscated by airport security. Tell me this, how is toothpaste a liquid??? Sunscreen, no problem. Deodorant, no problem. Toothpaste, problem??? What do we have, freaking chemists working at TSA?

I'm doing this weekend trip to Pittsburgh and I'm not even excited about it. The stress of finding an open flight, the threat of rain, not being recognized by other people in the 7 line army and thus feeling totally alone, and of course, the Mets stink right now. The highlights usually become finding a restaurant with some unique grub and getting hammered. 

Work is just another level of insanity. My financial aid team, at its peak, would have 5 people on it, maybe 6. We are down to me and one woman who's been with us for 4 weeks. In the last two months, two women quit, my boss went on medical leave with kidney problems, and then this week, our senior advisor's mom passed away. In essence, I may as well be the director. And the thing is, we have no idea when anyone is coming back. 

I want to go back to church. I haven't been in maybe 2 months now. Seems I usually end up donating plasma or doing grocery deliveries. I don't feel right about it. That said, if I'm going to a church, it has to engage me, whether with music, messages, community, volunteering, etc. I still pray and read the Bible, but in this twisted darkening country, I want that Sunday hope. I need hope. Because I have no hope in this country anymore and the way it's being run by the secular left. 

Ok let me give some good news, I know this has been a downer of a post. I appeared on my first radio show as a featured guest. It was with Long Beach Joe, who hosts an online show about the New York Jets through YouTube and blog talk. He gave me about 10 minutes, we had a great conversation, and all the reviews I've got have been great. Not that anyone would have had the nerve to tell me if they thought it sucked. Some people have told me I should try doing a show or podcast. I'd be open to it, the things to figure out are the technology and my topic. What's going to make me different, what's going to make me stand out? And I don't have a good answer to that question. 

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