Monday, July 05, 2021

How I Feel Regarding Pride

It's very obvious that I can't be honest with other people and certainly not on social media. Because when somebody expresses an opinion or belief system that is contrary to the ultra-liberal pop culture that has infested the United States of America in the 21st century, you instantly become a pariah and are excommunicated from the regular world. The hateful extreme left simply cannot handle people who have different opinions than them, and for a group that pushes tolerance, they are the absolute most hypocritical group of people on the face of God's green earth today.

That said, Mark and Jack ain't here. So i have some shit to get off my chest. When will America start devoting months for celebrating liars, adulterers, drug addicts, and thieves? It makes absolutely as much sense as celebrating crooked sexual deviants. And the important thing to remember is that it's not about being afraid of a certain group, it's about supporting the people without justifying their action. The word homophobe is so overused to the point that it's embarrassing. The sad part is the word love has become completely overused because most people have no idea what it is. A lot of people think love is just having a strong feeling for somebody or something. Love is sacrificial, it is an action, it is not some flickering, passing emotion. And until people come to that realization, "Love Is Love" Is nothing but garbage.

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