Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday night rambling

And as Waylon Jennings said, don't mess around with any rambling man.

Well, I've got the house to myself for a week starting Tuesday. I'm actually not too thrilled about it. Hogan has to be alone in the house for nine hours a day minimum.
I'm going to see if I can bring him with me to work at night.

We wrapped up first place in volleyball and the playoffs are next week. But there's a new wrinkle. Now the #2 team (Mixed Nuts) has a full cheering section. As if it wasn't enough they have 10 players on their team and today they added an 11th who's 6'3! They brought 7 or 8 people to wave flags stomp on the bleachers, and do that God-forsaken wave. If there's one sports tradition that needs to go, this is the one.

I have eaten so bad this week. Burgers at Fuddrucker's, sausage, pizza, pork chop, sandwiches twice, well, at least I've gotten protein. I'm planning in hitting the gym 3-4 times this week after only going twice last week.

I made a big deposit in the bank today. Now why do they have to write two amounts of money on your paychecks? It's like "here's the money you bust your butt all week for. And here's what you're gonna get." What do we get for the taxes, all the free streetlight in the world? As far as I'm concerned give everyone a candle, give me my 150 dollars back!

I'm not going to go into specific details here, but I'm going to say a few things I've been wrestling with over the last few months. I think most times when we're undergoing major changes in life, we're aware something's happening but we don't know how it's going to look in the end. Well, I think I'm going through something like that right now. What's strange is I don't even know if I need a change right now or if it's something that's supposed to happen, or if it's just my own feelings. But I feel like I'm moving towards one place I'm new to and repelling away from another I've been doing for a long time. So I think about this questions.

Is it the excitement of a new experience?
Is it liking/not liking the complacency of what you know?
Is it having a hunger to add something fresh to a routine you've gotten used to?
Or is it that I'm just restless?

Basically, I don't have the answer to what's happening here. I don't want to abandon this thing that I know and have loved for a long time. But I feel it may time for me to take a hiatus for a while. Like the Eagles said, sometimes to keep it together, we have to leave it alone.

PS: Go Mets! Go Rangers!

Song pick: "Mr. Natural" Bee Gees

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