Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wearing a Wednesday out

1) So I woke up at 4:45 to take Mom to Rosemont for her latest and greatest tour. Then, I went straight to the gym and, now I'm working 12-9 tonight. Somehow, I'll find a way to get through this.

2) Just reviewed my MLB predictions. For the AL, I got 3 of 5 playoff teams correct and in the NL, well, I got 2. I picked two teams from the NL to make the playoffs and got both wrong. And no, the Mets were not any of the 4. But the fact that I picked Anaheim to win the World Series and they failed to even make the playoffs...I'd say that's a bad job.

3) I have two free tickets to Supercard of Honor 7 on April 5 in New York City. I really have no idea what my relationship status will be then, but I will be in Manhattan regardless. Maybe I'll hit Guy Fieri's place...

4) I really want to get back to Fifty 50 in Chicago. The triple-secret burger toppped with the pulled pork, Merkt's cheddar, and the mac n cheese waffle sounds like a trip to indulgence heaven. Maybe I'll add a little BBQ sauce...

5) I wish the guy on my street who bought the used police car would park it in a garage already. I'm tired of zipping around the curve and thinking a cop's watching me!

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