Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 1 Goes On

Will my training schedule got turned sideways. My plan was to do an interval run on Thursday and then rest on Friday. But I got sick on Thursday and I knew there was no way I was going to be running that day. The advantage was I did have Friday off. So since I was feeling better today, I decided to try the interval run.

I started with a one mile run, which I ran at about 6 miles per hour. Then I started doing the intervals. I did four 4 minute runs at 7.5 miles per hour, and in between those, I did 3 intervals of 2 minutes each, jogging at around 6.3 miles per hour. Since I was feeling pretty good, I finished the last interval at 8 miles per hour period. Now that would be a pretty heavy pace and I don't know if I can keep that up. But I would have to run 8 miles an hour to come anywhere near what I ran three years ago.

My finish was three-quarters of a mile at around 6.30 mph. So in total, I ran 40 minutes, completed four and a half miles, and burned about 620 calories. That's right around the same pace that I ran on Tuesday. But it's important that I not push myself too hard too quickly. I need to build up my endurance. My thought is if I get my endurance going first, I can then work up my speed later.

Unfortunately, I had that dreaded leg pain in my lower quadriceps, starting about 24 hours after I did my Tuesday run and it lasted until Thursday. I'm really trying to stretch a lot to avoid having those leg pains. I'm hoping that as I run more come up my body will get used to the running, and the pains will dissipate.

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