Thursday, January 04, 2018

New Year Coming

Well I'm 30,000 feet above the ground, probably around West Virginia or Pennsylvania. I'm on my way to NYC. This will be the first NYE I've spent there and no, I'm not going to be in Times Square. I've been talking with a girl since November 22 and tonight I get to meet her. We have a crazy amount of qualities and interests in common. Mets, wrestling, New York, part Italian. We've been talking literally every day and I like getting someone to share everything with. The thing that makes me uneasy is she seems pretty abrasive. Not to be, but in general. She comes off as pretty angry, cursing a lot, dealing with depression, and isn't really open to going to church. It's one of those things that I could see working if one or two things were different. But hey it's a weekend, let's see how it goes. I can't deny that with the recent pregnancies and engagement announcements I've seen, maybe I'm looking for a brief escape.
This flight has been bizarre. First I couldn't find the gate for ten minutes. Then the flight was delayed thirty minutes, and that quickly escalated to an hour. The odd part was the boarding. Four standbys, including me, showed up, out of the ten who were listed. The gate agent just put all of us right into first class! Bring on the red wine!
I don't know what it is about a night flight. It just gets me feeling very reflective, kind of sentimental. Puts me in the mood to play a sad song on my iPod and have a drink. And the odd thing is that I feel good right now, maybe I'm just trying to unwind and relax.

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