Monday, February 18, 2019

Trip for my Grandfather, my prayer

Heavenly father, we gather today in a state of sorrow and in a state of mourning.

We are grieving the loss of a pastor, a veteran, a counselor, a friend, a father, and a grandfather.

Indeed we will miss Robert Bartlett's one of a kind presence in our lives.

We will miss his wisdom, his humor, his leadership, and his longing to serve his fellow man and serve you.

While we mourn, while we hurt, we also appreciate and celebrate a life well lived.
No question, he served you in his ministry and in his life loyally and faithfully.

So many lives he has impacted, those of us gathered today represent just a small fraction.

Lord, in your word we remember it says We were buried with you into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

And so we can know that a new life, one of glory and eternal joy, has now begun for Robert Bartlett

Your word also says For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.

During his life, he walked with you for so many years, so many decades. And so we choose even in the midst of sorrow, to rejoice that on this day, he is walking with you, his heavenly father, closer than ever before. And we are comforted in knowing that he is yours, and he has his place in heaven with you today and forever.

And so Lord, we thank you for creating a special man

Thank you for this chance to honor him today.

Thank you for everyone present in this room.

In your gracious name we pray together. Amen

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