Monday, June 19, 2006

The PS to the journal

You cannot make this kind of stuff up.

Sunday night for Ecclesia, we had a small crowd and I think it was because there was a concert in the main church. About 40 people showed up and that was the lowest turnout I've seen since Easter. We talked about reflections and after my time down south, I felt the spirit even moreso than usual.

There were four of us involved, me John DePue, who's becoming a good friend of mine, Ryan from Bradley University, who's kind of a quiet big guy. He always seems to find his way into conversations with me, Geddes, John, Denise, and whoever else in that group. Number four was also Ryan. He's a teacher who hasn't lived in this area all that long. And he and I have talked a little bit about being single and not having dated much. He seems more bothered by it than I do. So we decide to go out afterwards and we wanted to go to Red Robin, but as we pulled in, we realized they closed at 9 on Sunday. Not cool. We settle on Chili's. After we ordered drinks, Ryan asked me where I was last week. I explained I was in Mississippi doing some mission work. He asked if it was through Wheaton Bible and I told him it was through Willow Creek. His eyes bulged out and stared me straight down. And then the conversation went like this.

"You got back this week?"
"Who was your leader?"
"Allison Hosack."
"I'm going out with her tomorrow night!"

Needless to say I had to wipe up the water I had been drinking. I guess they met on eharmony and this is their second date, I asked Ryan not to tell her I knew her. So tomorrow morning I'm going to call her and ask how her date went. Should be good...

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