Sunday, August 12, 2007

What do you do?

You spend the beginning of your life visualizing yourself as an adult. You have this fantasy as a kid, whether it's a passing thought or you ponder on it daily. You'll have this dream job, get married at such and such an age, live in this place and there won't be too many serious problems that come your way. The one day you realize it's not going to happen. Things just never seem to turn out how you plan them.

I got some advice today about something I can do with my future. I'm not about to go into it here, it's not something I would have thought of otherwise. I don't want to abandon my old plans, because I want to be able to utilize my skills or lack thereof or whatever. I mean, some people talk about there's one person for every person in terms of marriage. Does the same go for our work and where we spend our time? I believe God gives everyone different natural gifts and abilities but then we have to develop them. If we don't use those gifts, are we not living our lives the way they were intended to be lived? And in a broader sense, why do we tend to always want the things that we know we'll never be able to get?

And I have had several instances in the last few days where I said things where I not only put my foot in my mouth, I think it was more like my knee joint. I guess I'm just feeling this strange mixture of gratitude for what I have and frustration over what I don't have. And here I am tonight, actually it's 12:45 am, eating El Ranchero chips and spinach artichoke dip and drinking a Sunset Wheat. Mets lose again, what a shock. Now onto a few other things.

1) I finally got to meet John Ortberg, probably my favorite pastor in the world. I got an autographed copy of his new book and though I have a few other books to finish before I get to his, I'm excited to read it.

2) Chris Rock may be crude, but he's funny and intelligent.

3) What in the world is Project 161?

Music pick: "Pour Me Another Tequila" Eddie Rabbitt. (May God rest his soul)

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