Saturday, February 06, 2010

Perfect timing

Not much audio worth listening to today at work. And my man Benigno is on vacation until next Tuesday. So I have to be a bit more creative. I decided to listen to an Ortberg sermon and I've been slowly going through his first messages at Menlo Park (I still think of New Jersey, not San Francisco) and am up to the 4-part Family series: Hatch em, patch em, match em, dispatch em. And I'm up to match em. He spent that message discussing marriage vs. single life, disposing common myths about marriage, and how to make sense of it all. The best part was when he mentioned how some young couples want to get married so fast within weeks or a few months of knowing each other. And he responded that they have zero idea what they are getting themselves into.

Inevitably, they will tell me the story of some couple who got married after knowing each other just a couple of weeks and are still in love after 50 years. That happens. But people go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and survive sometimes; it does not mean it is a good choice for transportation.

As the crowd laughed, I wanted to stand in my cube and shout "Amen!" Instead, I just grinned.