Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kentucky, Day 3

So I woke up around 6:45 and Bridget drove me home, where we talked about volunteering, music, parents, etc. Both her parents are cops on Long Island, so I knew I had to watch my step! I really wasn't worried, I was just glad to be there. I did get a honk and wave as her van pulled away.

After going through Philippians 3, we headed back to work. The weather was cloudy and cooler than the previous day, which was fine for us. It took Barry, Carolyn, and I about two hours to finish that top of row of siding on the back of the house because we had so much cutting and maneuvering to do. But we got it done and then moved on to the right side of the house, which was probably the worst. The wall was a mess and the deck was unstable and we wanted to build a ramp so Tammy could go outside. Donnie and Mike installed some 1 x 4's to make the outside level and flush. Then we added insulation before getting half the siding installed. Nancy spent a lot of time cleaning up their yard and taking out trash, which was needed too. Mike and Ellen really spend a lot of time ribbing each other. It's good to see a father and a teenage daughter who do that. Personally, I was really fading by the last two hours. Maybe it was the old jeans and boots, which really do not fit me anymore. Maybe it was staying up until 12:30 to watch football. Maybe it was all of it. But the feel of that shower was even more welcoming than it was the previous day. I even snuck in a gingerbread pop tart for a quick pick-me-up. The group is so in love with sugar (Oatmeal pies, Little Debbies, Puppy Chow, etc) that I finally gave in.

Also, Donnie taught us all a Bible lesson when we unearthed a rusted axe head when digging post holes. He mentioned the story in the Bible about a floating axe head, assuming we all would know it. None of us did. After Googling it on my phone, we learned about Elisha coming to the rescue of some workers who dropped a borrowed axe head into a river. They were very distressed about losing the axe head - they were very rare in those days, and would be very hard to replace. With God's help, Elisha was able to make it float, and it was recovered.

It was heartwarming to know that with all the practical skills Donnie has, he worked in insurance and finance before CAP, God also gave him the skill to remember the lessons in His word.

Why is something always so much more beautiful when I know I can never have it?

Dinner was shipwrecked stew, which was beef, celery, onion, potatoes, and peppers covered in a light tomato broth. We also had salad, garlic bread, and for dessert, a decadent coconut cake. Nancy was very kind volunteering Ellen and I to do the dishes. The young ins that we are! I have to say it was nice not being the youngest in the group for a change. Then again, there may come the day when I wish I was the youngest. The J-Crew emerged from their "man-cave" across the street to join us for breakfasts and dinner. Jimmy is a loud snorer too and Joe is on one of those
sleep apnea machines, so it's probably for the best that they are not staying in our room. During the day, they had gone up to Rockcastle County and completely gutted this woman's bathroom. They apparently had to put a whole new floor in before even starting on the pipes. But they felt they were making progress.

After dinner, this woman named Jenny who works for CAP talked to us about some other parts of CAP. I don't remember much of what she said, especially since Joe kept interrupting. We played dominoes and I won 2 of the 4 games. Also, I think along with the J-Crew, Jenny, Jane, and Jen could up the total to 6. We were in bed pretty quick. These long days of work simply require a lot of rest and relaxation. I can't necessarily say that about my day job.

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