Saturday, September 08, 2007

Carole Riebock

Seems like more and more these days I'm writing tributes to people who pass away. Now it's one of the finest teachers at my high school.

I guess it was around 4:30 on Thursday when I heard the news Carole Riebock died during an operation for a liver transplant. I was absolutely stunned, I had no idea anything was even wrong with her health. And this is only 10 weeks after her husband passed away.

Since I came to Wheaton Academy for my junior year, I was never a student in any of her Bible classes so I can't talk about her as a teacher. But I participated on a mission trip to Pawley's Island, SC in January 1998. Even though I was a junior and the trip was basically for first and second year students, she still allowed me to go. And those two weeks were incredibly challenging for me as I faced a lot of personal issues. But even though some people saw fit to just avoid me, Mrs. Riebock was always in my corner and never let me forget it.

I remember we were working in this grass field, trying to take down this batting cage. Even though we got the fencing down, there were still a few blocks of wood basing in the ground and we wanted to get them out. Several of us tried to get it out, but pulling just wasn't doing the job. Mrs. Riebock noticed the van. So we found a steel chain. Can you see where this is going? We tied one end to the hitch of the trailer and the other end to the wood. Mrs. Riebock hopped in the driver's seat and steps on the gas. I remember a lot of black smoke rising from the back of the van. Wasn't making much progress so she added a little more gas and half the bumper flew off the back of the van. And I don't remember if we ever got that wood out!

I also remember participating in the fall play "His Way or Broadway" when I first came in that she did the music for. Preparing for and acting in that show was one of the highlights of my life and she and Corbett have a lot to do with that.

Jenny would probably be a little embarrassed that I'm doing this, but her post was excellent.

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