Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Wednesday night musings

Well the Fourth has come and gone rather quickly. Not much going on, except for a visit to Ribfest on Sunday afternoon. I was there for about 7 hours and evidently, there were people I know who were there. But in the midst of 50,000 people, it's hard to recognize anyone. My first stop was Uncle Bub's. I thought I would give it one more chance. The meat was very tender, but the sauce was fair. The thing is I didn't taste enough seasoning on the meat to get me excited. It was better, but still not good enough to where I would drive to Westmont and order a slab. Then I went to Desperado's, one of the veteran vendors of the festival. I think what drew me was two things. By the second music stage, they have always have two vendors, usually the two most popular. Texas Outlaws was one and Desperado's was the other. And the other thing was they were selling two big pieces of cornbread for only a dollar. I liked the flavor of the meat. But the sauce was weak. It was almost pink in color and had no boldness whatsoever.

After some roasted corn and a big root beer, I noticed something new. At the stand where they serve the freshly fried potato chips, onion flowers, and mixed veggies, they now have sweet potato fries with cinnamon sugar. If someone was with me, I definitely would have gotten those. In the end I got a fresh lemonade and a half slab of Texas Outlaws. Still the best and it's not even close. So I went over to the stage and listened to Janesville and Heartsfield. I only had myself and my backpack, so I didn't want to leave my spot. I just knew it was going to get snatched. I did leave for a minute to get a drink and when I came back, well, space-hunting I went. Two old dudes took my space. So I found a new spot, did a lot of Sudoku and waited for Trace Adkins to perform. It was a great show, and Honky Tonk Badonkadonk was awesome live.

So we have hit the midpoint of the week. I'm happy to see the Mets take 3 of 4 in Philly and then beat up Tim Lincecum last night. Only one game back in the loss column. And Billy Beane is a joke. As great as a GM as he has always been, for him to get so little back for trading Rich Harden, that is pathetic. Matt Murton is hideous, Eric Patterson can't field and even worse, he's related to Corey, who knows about this catcher, and Sean Gallagher is a decent pitcher with power, but can't locate his fastball most of the time. I'm dreading October baseball in Chicago.

Chris Duhon to the Knicks. That's a fair signing for two years. I think it could be a fine pickup, provided he plays defense.

CM Punk is the world champ! I'm really happy for him. Now his first PPV match is against Batista. I really hope becomes a great champion, not one of those two month transitional guys and then gets relegated back to the mid-card. He's just kind of counter-cultural, so I don't know if WWE would want to push Punk as a cornerstone of their company.

I just ate half an 18 inch pizza from Pi. And I feel great...

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