Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nothing left

I'm not even going to analyze what I spent four hours of my life witnessing tonight. After losing this game when we should have won a dozen times (0-for-10 with runners on third base), I am done. Done with this year. Finished. Miserable. Ashamed. Spent. Embarrassed. Outraged. Humiliated. Depressed. Pissed. And every negative word in the dictionary. This is the epitome of emptiness, heartache, and frustration. Rooting for the New York Mets.

Baseball is officially over. After this, I hope the Cubs choke in October just like we have all freakin' year. Because since 1970, the fans of that franchise have had TWO HEARTBREAKING YEARS! 1984 and 2003. That's it. For the lousy Mets, I have 1987, 1988, 1999, (I won't even count 2000 when they lost to the Yankees in the Series) 2006, last year, and this year. Start hockey already. Get on with some more Jets and Knicks misery already. Just the same damn treadmill I have run on for 20 disgusting years. Time to get wasted.

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