Thursday, July 03, 2014

Not happening

I admit I hurt. I just hurt right now. I've done my best to not discuss my job loss here and the pain that I'm going through. I doubt people really give a rip about it. But as every day goes by, as every week goes by, and as the rejection e-mails pile up, the situation just feels worse and I feel more and more unproductive.

I'm up to ten weeks out of work and it feels like it has been a year since I have been working. I admit I still have feelings most days about what I would say if I saw my old boss, and especially his boss. But I snap myself out of that, because there is really no point to it. Maybe one good slug in their jaws, just for good measure. Then again, I can't remember the last time I threw a punch where the target wasn't a bag.

What is really getting to me is these companies who I interview with. The interview goes well, they say they'll be back in touch with me, and then I never hear from them again. I have no patience for deception. If they explicitly say they are going to contact me by the end of the week, then they should do exactly that. Even if it is a rejection, don't screw with me like that.

Mom is urging me to apply for jobs outside of Chicago. I really don't want to do it. I don't know if I could handle losing my job as being the reason I left Chicago. I don't want those pricks at my last job to mess with my life up any further than they've already tried to.

Anyway, I'm off to get my blood drawn. After that...homework. Let the good times roll...

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