Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What happens here

For a good six or seven months now, I've felt a strong desire to leave Chicago. After 19 years, it was as if my breaking point had hit. There are many things to like about this area, but the negatives began to swallow the positives right up.

So about a month ago, I started doing something new. I began applying for jobs out of state, focusing on North Carolina and Texas. I just wanted out of the Midwest period. And I wanted to live on my own and the cost of living disc South would make that much more feasible.

I got interviewed for one job near Greensboro, but the money wasn't enough. After all I'm working and making a decent amount. I don't have to take a new job if I don't want it. It's nice to have that power.

But in the last two weeks, another twist has happened. Without solicitation, people have expressed interest in buying our house. One couple might be offering close to $300,000. So if we accepted, then what? Would Mom and I stay together and take another place nearby. Would we move somewhere and would I then start have to look for jobs in that area? All of a sudden, I'd have no income and that's a scary thought. And if we did move far away, would we be together or apart?

I know what I want, but I just don't know if it's possible. But I have the same feeling I had last fall. By the end of the year, my life will be dramatically different then it is today.

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