Friday, May 17, 2019

Back to Chi town, part 1

I really am amazed that I allowed myself to get so stressed this morning. I let it first happen in the Norfolk airport parking garage, one of the most confusing I've ever seen. I got stuck behind a female senior citizen, driving a bright red Chevy, and she was driving at the speed of a confused turtle.

Then it happened again in the ticket line. The layout of the American check in area just didn't make sense. I've flown out of this airport more than a couple of times now. But I'd never seen the line quite this long. At first, I thought it was the line to access the check in kiosks. But after about ten minutes, I saw an empty kiosk and nobody was walking to it. I soon realized I was standing in a line for checking in and dropping off bags. With the line growing behind me, I realized I had to go to the kiosk quickly. I checked in and then had to get back on line, which was now maybe 20 people longer.

Inside, I felt such panic and stress. I genuinely worried that this line was moving so slow that either I wouldn't be able to check my bags in on time, or that I wouldn't be able to reach the gate. For one of the first times, I realized the impatience in me that my mother, and possibly others, are so sensitive to. 

Now I've never denied impatience in my spirit. But now, I was realizing what it would look like if a friend or relative or significant other was in my presence. How would that affect that relationship?
The crazy part of it was I got to the gate 45 minutes before departure time and easily got a seat, as I was the only standby passenger for the flight. But oh my God in heaven, did I get tested again. The loudest kids in the history of airlines. Sitting right guessed it, me!

Note: fast forward to Sunday. I'm sitting alone in an airport lounge. I'm stuck here overnight. I don't have the attention span or focus to write full paragraphs. So we're just going with bullet points. 

Amazing Grace film
Aretha Franklin's voice is unmatched
Too much rain
Nobel house restaurant in Geneva
Zombie dust beer from 3 Floyd's!
Brisket chili
Rib eye sandwich with Swiss, tomato, arugula, and steak sauce on an onion roll. 
Yahtzee with mom
Free pass thanks to mom's membership
40 minutes on the elliptical 
Half hour lifting
Steam room and sauna, first time in maybe 5 years
I wish I'd brought flip flops
You don't talk to a man you don't know in the steam room... man code violation!
iPod drama
I hate that computer
Administrative privileges required?
90 minutes on the phone with Geek Squad 
This computer gives me a new issue every time I'm with it

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