Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mentally exhausted, but okay

The last 2 weeks have probably been the most stressful I have ever had at a job. I came back from my Chicago odyssey expecting to be busy knowing that Monday May 6th was one of our 3 busiest starts of the calendar year.  I knew I would have to certify all the April students, about 175 in all. I would also have to scan 50 files and the documents for each of them into the system for new students as well as create folders for all of them and then I would have to correct any errors that quality control had found.

And if that's not enough, I came back to find out that we were being audited by the state the following Monday and I had to prepare 25 files. Now this audit goes back 5 years, I have been doing this job for about 9 months. I have a lot of financial aid experience but very little in military. So I knew there were going to be mistakesn; the key was to find the mistakes before the auditors didn't. Because if we don't score well enough, we are at the risk of losing are certifying privileges, and if we lose our certifying privileges, that means that I don't have a job anymore. Probably between Monday afternoon and Thursday night, I was not able to relax at all.

The only thing that put my mind at ease was I came in for overtime on Friday, day I was supposed to be off. I went through all 25 files with my boss and the financial aid director downstairs, who actually has VA experience. We did a good job at finding the errors we needed to and correcting them. So the audit then happened on Monday, and from what I know now, it went decently, but there were mistakes. My hope is we did well enough to where I will not have to see them for another couple of years.

And even after the audit ended, I was still slammed. I had another 30 files to work with documents the scan, plus re entries, I really didn't slow down until Thursday afternoon. And now I found out that I'm going to get some federal aid work as well, which I'm happy to do as we're going to need the help and I want to take on more responsibility.

The good thing is I feel my job is not in jeopardy which I have to admit I was afraid of. It's not that I had committed any firable offenses, but I am just so sensitive to work problems. I'm trying to learn to be content whatever the circumstances, but negative circumstances at work still scare me.

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