Thursday, November 18, 2004

I'm baaack!, MNF, Quick thoughts

If only for a few days. Unless I have net access in Mexico, there will be no news from Sunday through Saturday. Penn was a good trip, 18 hours of driving I would guestimate.

I heard someone's thoughts on the Terrell Owens-Nicolette Sheridan MNF opener and I agree with him. It's not the nudity, it;s no the prime time audience. A large part of the problem is it was a white woman jumping into an outspoken highly paid black man's arms. Would there be as big a problem if it was Peyton Manning? Highly unlikely. I wasn't offended by the skit's content too much. Now granted, if I was a father, it's not something I'd really want my kid to see. I do think the incident itself is overblown. My only worry is if media keeps pushing the envelope about what's decent and what isn't, when will the line finally be drawn? Will there be no limits to what can be shown on TV? That's what really concerns me.

Even after the Super Bowl disaster (the game's outcome as well as the halftime show) the NFL still wants ratings and attention and they know how to get them. But please don't give me this apology crap. Is ABC really sorry? Is the NFL sorry? That's just the nice sugarcoat. An apology doesn't erase the sting or the controversy. But isn't controversy really what this stunt was all about to begin with?

Oh and thanks TO for those TD's allowing me to overcome a 20 point defecit and win by 15 points! First place and 5 winning weeks in a row for Blind Shock!

Looks like Kris Benson is coming back to New York. Good. Good signing. Of course, it doesn't hurt his wife will be more visible. Now Omar, let's stay away from Sosa and focus on getting Beltran, Ordonez (sorry Geds), Drew (Dad!), or Sexson. Still a lot of work to do.

Hopefully I'll have something going on Friday night... Well, I'm gonna fix mmyself some broccoli cheddar soup. I'll check back here once more before I head to Riviera Maya.

1 comment:

Geds said...

Um, we here in Southside Nation have been prepared for life without Maggs since July. And after he's gotten so much from Chicago he was being a real jerk about his contract, then he up and hired Boras and wouldn't tell Kenny, Ozzie or Herm (Schneider, the trainer) what the deal was. Now that we've seen what Magglio is like in a money situation, you can have him.