Monday, January 01, 2007

Movie reviews and other stuff as 2007 begins

Being an east coaster by nature, once 12 a.m. EASTERN hits, once the ball drops in Times Square, it's the new year. I will not wait behind like everyone else in the midwest.

"Rocky Balboa" was a good film in my opinion. It's a very polarized film in terms of reviews. Peoiple love it or hate it. I liked that I was engaged by the film and I wlaked out feeling at peace with the climax of the series. At the same times, there were certain parts of the stories I thought were overemphasized and certain characters deserved to be developed more. But the fight looked great, there were a lot of good, spiritual messages, and I felt I got my money's worth. Now considering it was a 3 dollar matinee, I don't know if that is saying much. Biggest flaw: Michael "Let's get ready to rumble!" Buffer did the ring announcing. Eeshh.....

I would heartily recommend "We Are Marshall." I was 11 years from being born when the plane crash happened that claimed the lives of the Marshall football team, coaches, and some prominent boosters. But this was awesome. I showed up in my Chad Pennington jersey, appropriate since he played college football at Marshall. But it was a great story and I think anyone should see it. If I had to be picky on a flaw, there were a lot of characters to tie together, but after a half hour I got a feel for it. Matthew McConaughey is just himself no matter what role he plays.

Gerald Ford and Saddam Hussein died two days apart. Weird.

Giants and Jets both make the playoffs! I'll have further analysis in the next few days.

Prayer is tougher than I realized. I came to that conclusion at Ecclesia tonight as Ted discussed the re-commitment are group needs to make to prayer. It takes effort, it's not just about making a decision to pray. You have to put some effort and planning into it to really make it worthwhile. I know God listens but I'm tired of throwing random prayers out like I'm flinging frisbees at a random target. I need to dedicate more time for prayer in terms of when I'll do it, how long I'll do it, how I'll do it, and what I'll do it for.

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