Friday, February 18, 2005

Late night writing

Have you noticed that most of my posts as of late are coming around 11 p.m.-1 a.m? I guess late night fatigue breeds creativity.

Fantasy baseball is kicking off soon. I'm going to be in a Daily Herald league with people from the Lisle office. I'm kind of like that cowboy rider from the Far West. I come into town and cause trouble. We're supposed to meet at the Country House in Lisle to do a live draft in March. Lisle is a 45 minute drive from St. Charles. If you don't know, the Country House is well known for their awesome burgers. I've never had one before but I'll get my chance soon. That's all well and good. The other thing is there's a Country House in Geneva, 10 minutes from where I live. It would be nice if I could move the draft over to there, but hey, it would be hard to persuade 9 people to drive 40 minutes west. More info on the league I when I get it.

A few hockey notes. One, NO REPLACEMENT PLAYERS PLEASE!!! I'd rather see Gretzky, Patrick Roy, Bob Clarke, and Phil Esposito come out of retirement.

Two, why didn't the government, particularly Canada, get involved? Isn't this their mational past-time? I understand the U.S. not doing anything, but how about a little kick in the pants from Parliament?

Three, I'll be amazed if there is a full season next year. They are not negotiating seriously between now and September. Count on a 50-game schedule if we're lucky. That's what money and ego will do if you let them get out of control.

Four, the players are never going to see a deal like they had offered to them again. The owners won't budge and the players will have to give in eventually after 10 years of getting more and more good stuff from the league (AKA Money!). Hopefully, that means the end of Bob Goodenow. Goodenow, by the way, did an interview with Mike and the Mad Dog after constantly refusing to appear. Once I'll listen I'll let you know what I think.

I'm realizing it more and more. Australia keeps giving great things to America. If you don't understand what I typed, just refer back to a couple of posts ago...

Quick joke and a disturbing one. In the news, another teacher is in trouble for having sex with her student. The kid was in 10th grade. That's bad enough. The really bad thing is the kid was homeschooled! Yeah, I know, I know...

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