Friday, October 22, 2004

Music, voting, Enterprise

That "Some Beach" by Blake Shelton is one catchy song. Now if you live in the New York area, there's no way to know that since they have no country radio. But as the temperature is dropping, that song makes me feel pretty good. Especially with the little aggravations I deal with day to day. Reminds me of the hammocks at the camp I laid in over in Ecuador. When I go to Mexico in November, it'll definitely kick in. Should be a sweet tip over Thanksgiving. Don't know what kind of turkeys they have down there, but we'll see. I'll just make sure I don't drink the water.

Oh, this post was originally supposed to be about music. Never mind that, let's move on. I got some voting information at church last Sunday. I've never voted, but this November, I believe I will. These papers compared where the 2 candidates side on the main subjects. Kerry's support of stem cell may be good or bad, hard for me to say at this point. But Bush supports the recent tax cuts, opposes abortions, and opposes gay marriages, so right now, that's who I'm voting for. And to my friends in Boston, please don't vote for Kerry just because he roots for the Red Sox!

The last election was hysterical. I was at Gordon, sophomore year. All of us (Ferrin Hall, Floor 3), stayed up until 3 a.m. positive we'd find out the winner. We were watching this like it was Sportscenter. We're calling each other into each other's rooms. Bush got Tennessee! The way Florida was going, none of us knew how they'd break that state down. It was like Gore got Miami, Bush got Tampa, and Gore got Disney World!

Had a job interview at Enterprise for a management training program. Should hear from them by Tuesday. It went about 25 minutes and I think it went well. Pretty positive conversation and I think she was looking to see how well I could speak with people. But we'll see what happens. And to a ceratin somebody, no, if I don't get the job, I won't take it personally. Ok, off to the Daily Herald. It's football pairings night. To all my peeps, later

1 comment:

Geds said...

Your writing ability stinks only slightly worse than your armpits, which reek of dead dog and rotten cauliflower. I rule you!

Nah, just kidding.

Nice to see you've finally joined the dark side. We've been waiting for you.

With baseball bats...