Monday, December 25, 2006

4 days free

Been quite a Christmas so far. First, I was mighty sad Saturday night as Bryan Danielson lost the ROH World title to Homicide. I knew it was inevitable but he needs to repair several torn tendons in his shoulder. Come back strong, American Dragon.

Had an awesome dinner. I made prime rib (the key is to make slits in the heart of the meat, and stuff cloves of garlic inside), a sautee of spinach and musrooms, asparagus, and a mashed potato casserole. It's pretty easy to cook (and do dishes) when there are only two people in the house. There was one part of the meat that was a little overdone, so Mom gave it to Hogan who was begging for some food off the table as he always does. We gave him 10 or 12 good sized pieces of prime rib. It took him no more than 30 seconds to wipe that plate clean! It was incredible.

Then I took my new golf game (the Tiger Woods game) on the computer and made a replica of myself. The customizing features on this thing are incredible. You can change everything from space in between the eyes to the skull size, to their sock style, to their tattoos, to their food, to the width of their feet. I actually almost gave myself a purple Afro! Thought better of that one though. And my mom came downstairs and asked if I could make a golfer that looked like her. Well after I made her look 66 years old, uh, let's just say we laughed and laughed hard.

Going to see Rocky Balboa tomorrow. I'll have a review in the next few days.

Watching the Jets play a huge game in Miami right now. 0-0 late in the second quarter. Great defense by both sides, but the offenses are brutal with the rain that's pouring down. I get omens about these things but I'm not feeling one way or another about this right now.

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