Tuesday, September 26, 2006

2 days in

And I'm a little amazed how much information on financial aid has passed through my head. Before Monday morning, the only thing I really knew about financial aid was when I applied for it, I didn't get any.

There are about 27 people in my training class, by far the largest class CEC has ever had. I can tell this is a similar job to the ones I've had lately because I've had plenty of computer problems. It's not only me, but most of us are having issued with passwords and stuff like that. We;re trying to get into all of these websites with training software but some of us have access and others don't. By the end of today, it got so ridiculous I actually asked out loud, "Are we on Punk'd?" I almost felt they were setting us up to see how we would respond to adversity. Who knows?

Most of us are feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of information, but when we start actually applying it, I think it will get better. Right now, I'm just trying to learn a little at a time and not get frustrated with myself. And I think one hour is too long for lunch. I would rather take a half hour and leave at 4:30 instead of 5 p.m. But that's not my call.

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