Friday, October 06, 2006

Which Friday wears you out more?

You know, if this was a normal Friday, I would do the following. Wake up at 6, head to work around 7:15 get there at 8, stay until 5, get home at 5:30, eat dinner, hang with my small group, and go to work at the paper around 10 p.m.

Well this has been one of the most unpredictable weeks of my entire life. Let's just deal with today. I got up at 4:30 to prepare to the drive to Rush Medical Center, right near the United Center. We got to the facility around 5:45-6 in the morning for mom's surgery. I hang in the lounger for a while and do some reading. Then I get the call to go see her around 10:30.

The procedure went well, but there was a lot of bad stuff to clear out in her left foot. She has to be off of it for a good 8 weeks. But she can't lave the hospital until she can move the foot on her own. That usually takes a few hours to occur. Well, it is 3:45 and 6 hours later, we're still here. After getting four hours of sleep last night, I think I have fallen asleep three or four times.

Now it's inevitable we'll be fighting the rush hour traffic home. I seriously need some rest right about now.

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