Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Beauty by Benigno

WFAN's Joe Benigno delivers another beautiful rant on the dead Mets on today. God I hate these losses, love those rants. It's about the only thing that keeps me going through all the pain and aggravation. Then he turns it into a beautiful caution flag about the Jets. He's expecting a blowup, just where is it going to happen. Classic quotes:

"When is the stick going up my rear end? I want to know?!"
"I'm insane and I belong in an institution."
"I am seriously somebody who needs psychologial treatment."
"I'm going into Met and Jet rehab."

You know, we didn't have a radio station when I was in college. But I did my senior project as a radio show summing up the Gordon College Women's volleyball team which went over huge. And over four years, I watched some downright disasters, losing championship games at home and semifinal games as the top seed in conference. And oh to think of some of the things I would have said if I was on the radio. Then again, if I had tried this in college, if I'd been straight and candid, I'd have been fired immediately.

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