Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Rosenberg's stupid remark

I rarely criticze media types outside of Chicago. But on WFAN in New York, Sid Roseberg (a Giant fan) tells Joe Benigno (a Jet addict) that the Jet loss to Pittsburgh in the AFC playoffs last year wasn't devastating because the Jets weren't supposed to win. He compared it to the Giants embarrassment against SF a few years ago. He said that game was excrutiating, but the Jet loss wasn't that bad because they had no right winning that game.

I wish I could set up an audio link for this. That's the biggest pile of bull I've ever heard. How can the finish to that game not be excrutiating? They coached the game and kicked the game away! They had the Steelers on the ropes all night long! To blow that opportunity where they are not guaranteed anything from year to year at all, you cannot help but be deflated. And to think. It would have set up the rematch with New England. Then again, the finish of last year probably was better than if they had won. If they had lost to New England in the AFC title game, I'd probably be living in Latvia or somewhere. I would've seriously had to divorce myself from all sports.

It's getting to this point. The Rangers announced they've re-signed Craig Weller and Jed Ortmeyer. That's the best sports news I've had all week. It's the same old treadmill I've been pacing on for 10 years and counting...

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