Saturday, September 17, 2005

Old days

It can get tough when you move around as much as I have in my life. It can be a challenge to sustain maintain friendships. Moving several times as a teenager was not always easy. But it was probably necessary. If I hadn't come to Illinois, who knows what would have happened to me. Considering what I was doing at St. Joe's HS in NJ, I certainly would not have made it to Gordon College. I was average in academics and had no social life. I mean, I didn't care, I felt like such an outcast.

And people say perception is reality. For me it was. The way I saw myself was everything. It still is. It is for you who are reading no matter how old or young you are. Maybe I'll be able to totally practice what I preach. I know I screw up. I just try to not to beat myself up over it anymore. At least I know I've got something better coming whether in the near future or later. I think the song "Right on Time" by Randy Travis says it best.

I may still regret some moments, but it's just part of the ride. I count myself
among the fortunate ones who have made it to the other side. We've all done time
with the devil and I've done mine. It took a while to get here, but I'm right on
Well I'm reading a book by John Maxwell. Winning With People. I've only gotten through the introduction and I already figured something out. For someone who cares as much as I do, I realize some things need to change. And what I realize is you can't give away what you do not have. Actually, I think I heard that on Dr. Phil. Anyway, the point is if you don't love yourself, you can't love other people. Makes cents ;)

Why do I mention things like this in public? I don't know for sure. I guess in contrast to my NY rants, I want to do a little building back up. And sometimes you've got to knock down the tower and get back to the foundation to build the building back up right.

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